Reading Programs

The Wauwatosa Public Library is pleased to offer year-round reading programs for children. We encourage children and their adults to participate in these programs and share with us what you've discovered! Please see one of the children's librarians for more information. Happy reading!

1001 books before kindergarten (1)1001 Books Before Kindergarten

Wauwatosa Public Library's 1001 Books Before Kindergarten program is designed to expose children to outstanding literature and art. Working from the list of recommended authors and titles ensures that your child will be exposed to important literacy concepts and literary tools before starting formal education. You can download the welcome letter, first log, and list of books and get started right away!


reading passportReading Passport

Wauwatosa Public Library's Reading Passport program is designed to expose children to a wide range of genres and topics while continuing to foster a life-long love of reading. Passport holders read books within the genre or Dewey Classification designated on each page. Children can download the reading passport and get started right away!